How to Put Patches on JanSport Backpack?

How to Put Patches on JanSport Backpack

JanSport is a well-known brand when it comes to backpacks, and they offer a variety of different options to choose from. The backpacks often come with patches already attached, but over time these patches can become worn or faded. There are a few ways to attach new patches to a JanSport backpack, depending on the type of patch you have. This article will teach you the basics of how to put patches on JanSport backpack. You’ll need some basic supplies, including a needle and thread, scissors, and the patch itself. You’ll also need to know where on your backpack the patch should go.

How to Iron on Patches on JanSport Backpack?

If you’re a fan of customizing your JanSport backpack, patches are a great way to add some personal flair. Ironing on patches to your JanSport backpack is an easy and affordable way to give it a fresh look that reflects your unique style. However, ironing on patches can be tricky if you don’t know the proper technique. We will show you how to iron on patches on JanSport backpacks in just a few simple steps. Whether you’re new to patch application or just looking for some tips and tricks, this guide will provide all the information you need to make sure your backpack looks as good as new! So let’s get started!

  1. Gather the necessary supplies:
    • JanSport backpack
    • Patch(es) with iron-on backing
    • Iron
    • Clean cloth or thin towel
    • Ironing board or heat-resistant surface
  2. Choose the location: Decide where you want to place the patch on your JanSport backpack. Consider the size and shape of the patch as well as the available space. You can choose the front pocket, the main body, or any other desired location.
  3. Prepare the patch: Ensure that the patch has an iron-on backing. If there is any plastic or protective film on the back of the patch, remove it before proceeding.
  4. Heat the iron: Set your iron to the appropriate temperature for the fabric of your backpack. Refer to the care instructions on the backpack’s label. Generally, a medium-high heat setting works for most fabrics. Allow the iron to fully heat up.
  5. Position the patch: Place the patch on the desired location of the backpack with the adhesive side facing down. Ensure it is centered and aligned as desired.
  6. Protect the patch: To prevent direct contact between the iron and the patch, place a clean cloth or thin towel over the patch. This will act as a barrier and protect the patch from direct heat.
  7. Apply heat and pressure: Press the heated iron firmly onto the cloth or towel, directly over the patch. Apply steady pressure and move the iron in a back-and-forth motion for about 10-15 seconds. This will activate the heat-sensitive adhesive on the back of the patch.
  8. Check adhesion: Lift the corner of the cloth or towel to check if the patch is sticking to the backpack. If it lifts easily, apply more heat and pressure for a few more seconds until it adheres firmly.
  9. Let it cool: Once the patch is securely attached, remove the cloth or towel and allow the area to cool completely. This will ensure that the adhesive sets properly.
  10. Test attachment: Once the patch has cooled down, gently tug at the edges to test the adhesion. If the patch is firmly attached, it is ready for use. If it starts to peel off, repeat the ironing process, applying more heat and pressure.

It’s important to follow the specific instructions provided with the iron-on patch, as the application process may vary slightly depending on the brand or type of patch. Always refer to the patch manufacturer’s guidelines to ensure the best results.

How to Sew Patches on JanSport Backpacks?

JanSport backpacks are not only durable and spacious but also make a great canvas for personalization. Whether you want to showcase your favorite band, express your personality, or add some flair to your backpack, sewing patches onto a JanSport backpack is a popular way to achieve it. We will guide you through the step-by-step process of sewing patches on a JanSport backpack so that you can add your own unique touch to this classic accessory.

  1. Gather the necessary supplies:
    • JanSport backpack
    • Patch(es)
    • Thread (matching the color of the patch or backpack)
    • Needle
    • Scissors
    • Pins (optional)
    • Thimble (optional, for finger protection)
  2. Choose the location: Decide where you want to place the patch on your JanSport backpack. You can choose a front pocket, the main body, or any other desired location.
  3. Prepare the patch: If your patch has an iron-on backing, you may choose to iron it onto the backpack before sewing for added stability. Otherwise, skip this step and proceed to the next one.
  4. Position the patch: Place the patch on the desired location of the backpack. Use pins to secure it in place if necessary. Ensure that it is centered and straight.
  5. Thread the needle: Double-thread your needle and tie a knot at the end. This will make your stitching more secure.
  6. Start sewing: Begin stitching by inserting the needle through the inside of the backpack and pulling it through to the front, close to the edge of the patch. This will hide the knot inside the backpack.
  7. Sew the patch: Use small, even stitches to sew around the edges of the patch. The stitches should go through both the backpack fabric and the patch itself. Space the stitches about 1/8 to 1/4 inch apart for secure attachment.
  8. Continue sewing: Work your way around the entire patch, stitching close to the edge. Take your time to ensure that the patch is securely attached.
  9. Finish sewing: Once you’ve stitched all the way around the patch, tie off your thread with a secure knot on the inside of the backpack. Trim any excess thread.
  10. Optional: If you prefer extra reinforcement, you can stitch across the middle of the patch in an “X” pattern. This will provide additional stability.
  11. Repeat if desired: If you have multiple patches to sew, repeat the above steps for each patch, placing them in your desired locations.

Remember to take your time and sew carefully to achieve the desired result. With a little patience and practice, you can create a customized JanSport backpack with your favorite patches.

How to Put Patches on JanSport Backpack Using Fabric Glue?

Patches are a fun and creative way to show off your personality or commemorate an event. However, sewing patches onto a backpack can be time-consuming and challenging for those who lack sewing skills. Fortunately, there is another alternative: fabric glue. Fabric glue is an excellent solution for attaching patches onto a JanSport backpack without having to sew them on. We will guide you through the step-by-step process of how to put patches on your JanSport backpack using fabric glue so that you can achieve the perfect personalized look in no time.

  1. Gather the necessary supplies:
    • JanSport backpack
    • Patch(es)
    • Fabric glue (suitable for bonding fabric to fabric)
    • Scissors (optional)
    • Paper or cardboard (to protect the surface underneath)
  2. Choose the location: Decide where you want to place the patch on your JanSport backpack. You can choose a front pocket, the main body, or any other desired location.
  3. Prepare the patch: If your patch has an iron-on backing, remove it before applying fabric glue. You want the back of the patch to be clean and free of any adhesive.
  4. Protect the surface: Place a piece of paper or cardboard inside the backpack behind the area where you’ll be attaching the patch. This will prevent any glue from seeping through to the other side of the backpack.
  5. Apply fabric glue: Apply a thin layer of fabric glue to the back of the patch. Make sure to cover the entire surface of the patch, especially the edges.
  6. Position the patch: Carefully place the patch on the desired location of the backpack. Press it firmly onto the fabric to ensure good adhesion.
  7. Let it dry: Allow the fabric glue to dry completely according to the manufacturer’s instructions. This usually takes several hours or overnight. Avoid disturbing or moving the patch during this time.
  8. Optional: If desired, you can reinforce the patch’s attachment by sewing around the edges using a needle and thread. This step is especially useful for larger or heavy patches.

It’s important to note that fabric glue may not be as durable as sewing, especially for patches that will be subjected to frequent use or washing. If you want a more permanent and secure attachment, sewing the patch on is recommended. However, fabric glue can be a convenient and quick solution for temporary or decorative patches.

What Are the Styles and the Sizes of the Patches?

The styles and sizes of patches can vary greatly depending on personal preference, the specific design, and the purpose of the patch. Here are some common styles and sizes of patches that you may come across:

  1. Embroidered patches: These patches are made using colored threads stitched onto a fabric base. They can feature various designs, logos, symbols, or text. Embroidered patches come in a range of sizes, from small ones measuring around 1-2 inches in diameter to larger patches that can be 6 inches or more in size.
  2. Woven patches: Similar to embroidered patches, woven patches are created by weaving threads together to form the design. They have a smoother appearance compared to embroidered patches. Woven patches also come in different sizes, ranging from small to large.
  3. PVC patches: PVC (Polyvinyl chloride) patches are made of a durable rubber-like material. They are often used for outdoor or tactical purposes due to their weather-resistant and waterproof properties. PVC patches can be found in various sizes and shapes.
  4. Iron-on patches: These patches have a heat-activated adhesive on the back, allowing them to be attached to fabric by applying heat with an iron. Iron-on patches are available in different sizes, ranging from small decorative patches to larger ones that can cover a significant area of a backpack.
  5. Velcro-backed patches: These patches have a hook-and-loop fastening system, commonly known as Velcro, on the back. They can be easily attached and detached from compatible loop-backed surfaces. Velcro-backed patches are available in various sizes and can be customized with different designs.
  6. Morale patches: Morale patches are popular in military and tactical communities. They often feature humorous, motivational, or morale-boosting designs. These patches come in different sizes, with smaller ones typically measuring around 2-3 inches and larger ones being 4-6 inches or more.

When selecting patches for your JanSport backpack, consider the size and style that best suits your aesthetic preferences and the available space on your backpack. Keep in mind that smaller patches work well for adding details or embellishments, while larger patches can make a bold statement or cover a larger area.

How to Use JanSport Velcro Patch Effectively?

Using JanSport Velcro patches effectively involves a few key steps to ensure secure attachment and easy interchangeability. Here’s how to make the most of JanSport Velcro patches:

  1. Clean the surface: Before applying a Velcro patch, make sure the surface of your JanSport backpack is clean and free from any dust, dirt, or debris. This will ensure better adhesion and longevity of the patch.
  2. Determine the placement: Decide where you want to attach the Velcro patch on your backpack. Consider the size and shape of the patch as well as the available space. You can choose the front pocket, the main body, or any other desired location.
  3. Position the loop panel: JanSport backpacks typically come with a loop panel area where you can attach Velcro patches. Identify this loop panel and make sure it is clean and free from any obstructions.
  4. Align and attach the patch: Place the Velcro patch on the loop panel, aligning it with the desired position. Press firmly to ensure a strong attachment. The hook side of the Velcro on the patch should firmly grip the loop panel on the backpack.
  5. Test and adjust: Once attached, test the patch by gently pulling on it to ensure it is securely fastened. If it comes off easily or feels loose, press it down again to improve the adhesion.
  6. Interchange patches: One of the benefits of Velcro patches is their easy interchangeability. If you have multiple patches, you can swap them out depending on your preference or the occasion. Simply peel off the attached patch and replace it with another Velcro patch.
  7. Care and maintenance: To keep your Velcro patches and backpack in good condition, avoid exposing them to excessive moisture or rough handling. Clean the patches by gently brushing away any dirt or debris. If the Velcro starts to lose its grip over time, you can try using a soft brush or a toothbrush to remove any lint or fuzz that may be affecting its adhesive properties.

By following these steps, you can effectively use JanSport Velcro patches to personalize and customize your backpack while enjoying the flexibility of changing patches whenever you like.


JanSport backpacks are a popular choice for students and travelers alike. The backpacks come in a variety of colors and styles, and can be customized with patches to show off your personality or interests. In this article, we have discussed how to put patches on JanSport backpacks. Patching a JanSport backpack is a relatively easy process that can be completed in a short amount of time. By following the steps above, you can ensure that your backpack is good as new in no time. So, what are you waiting for? Start patching!


What Is Best Backpack to Put Patches On?

One of the best ways to show off your personality and interests is by displaying patches on your backpack. There are a variety of backpacks on the market that are perfect for this purpose, but there are also a few things you need to consider when choosing the best backpack to put patches on.
The first thing you need to think about is the size of the backpack. If you plan on putting a lot of patches on your backpack, you’ll want one that is big enough to hold them all. You’ll also want to make sure that there is enough space inside the backpack for all of your belongings. Another thing to consider is the type of material the backpack is made from. If you plan on using your backpack outdoors, you’ll want one that is made from waterproof material.

How to Iron on Patch on Polyester Backpack?

Ironing a patch onto a polyester backpack is a quick and easy process that can be completed in just a few minutes. The most important thing to remember when applying a patch is to make sure the surface of the backpack is clean and free of any dirt or dust. If the surface is not clean, the adhesive on the back of the patch will not stick properly and the patch may fall off. 
To start, lay out the backpack flat on a work surface and locate the spot where you would like to place the patch. Remove the paper backing from the adhesive side of the patch and place it in position on the backpack. Using a household iron, set it to medium heat and press down firmly on top of the patch for about 30 seconds. Allow the adhesive to cool completely before using your backpack.

JanSport Backpack Diamond Patch Use?

JanSport is one of the most popular backpack brands on the market. They are known for their durability and style. One of the most popular features on JanSport backpacks is the diamond patch. This patch is located on the front of the backpack and is made from heavy-duty fabric. This small piece of fabric or metal allows you to attach extra gear to the outside of the backpack using carabiners or straps. This can be helpful for carrying items that don’t fit inside the pack, such as a tent or sleeping bag.

Can You Dye a JanSport Backpack?

Yes! You can dye a JanSport backpack. In fact, it’s a pretty easy process. All you need is some dye, a bucket or sink big enough to submerge the backpack in, and some time to let the dye soak in. First, choose the color you want your backpack to be. It’s best to pick a color that is already available in JanSport backpacks, since they will have the same texture and fabric as your original backpack. Once you’ve chosen a color, mix the dye according to the instructions on the package. Then, submerge the backpack in the bucket or sink full of hot water and dye. Make sure that all of the fabric is covered by the dye solution. Let it soak for at least an hour, but preferably overnight.

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